Urban design/architecture
- Importance of social spaces when housing units are small — they liked the courtyard facing patios, how to continue developing that space?
- Developing relationship between scales of space — roof terraces and units/other community space
- What are the important transverse axes and how to emphasize them in the building scale?
- Felt like video would be more effective with less narration, more pauses
- Continue developing drawing language in plan, showing overhead beams
- From Jorge, the idea that “No solo vives en tu casa, pero vives en comunidad” — how to visualize that feeling?
CLT/Mass timber
- Sizing structural elements (columns seem probably too large)
- Refining relationship between structure and units – what is achievable to update/rework here?
- ^similar to media note — Thinking about tectonic expression of beams in units/plan. where is is working vs not?
Urban ecology
- Developing ground floor, relationship between building & surrounding public space, how to activate third spaces
- Study effectiveness of shading strategies