


Name of overall project?

mezcla de mercado


What qualities from the Theoretical framework will be experienced?

Surface temp

tree canopy

vegetation types

child safety

ability to play

identity marker

balcony types

social seating


What architectural strategies will you use?
Post up to three thumbnail photos, zoomed from our program (granada, olot, etc.).

“Where” in this experience in the project?
What is the context such as orientation to north?
What is/are the programming activities?

Children playing on a clt structure providing shade to parents below. Looking west to the  housing above the market. Children playing, parents resting in the shade, people meandering to the market.

When is this point-in-time date and time?
Which environmental forces are being filtered such as radiance, air pollution, sound pollution, humidity, light, air temperature, smell, etc?

3pm june 20th (summer)

Radiance, light, and air temperature.

Which environmental forces are being embraced?

views of MDPV

Who is experiencing this view and who is in the background of this phenomena?


List three words to describe their values?

resting, socializing, relaxing

What data of the existing condition before outside your intervention?

views of montjuic

What design goal data do you expect from your intervention?

A place for children and parents


Choose a word such as “Love” or “Together” to place over the image.


1:35 // Post. Discuss. Comment on each other’s work.