Relf_2B Phenomena
Name of overall project?
- Thermal Permeability
Post a conceptual image not architecture.
What qualities from the FG framework will be experienced?
- temperature, groundfloor permeability (doors), types of seating, canopy, material types, plant variety
What architectural strategies will you use?
- Exposed mass timber, atrium space, green canopy
Post up to three thumbnail photos, zoomed from the program.
“Where” in this experience in the project?
- Podium Ground Floor
What is the context such as orientation to north?
- facing south
What is/are the programming activities?
- seating, gathering, exploring storefronts
When is this point-in-time date and time?
- spring time when everything is blooming. April 21st, 1pm
Which environmental forces are being filtered such as radiance, air pollution, sound pollution, humidity, light, air temperature, smell, etc?
- radiance, light
Which environmental forces are being embraced?
- wind, partial daylighting
Who is experiencing this view and who is in the background of this phenomena?
- residents of the towers, guests of the towers, visitors of the stores/services; all ages
List three words to describe their values?
- community (culture), friendship, relax
What data of the existing condition before outside your intervention?
- too hot, too much daylighting, and lack of daylighting into the podium
What design goal data do you expect from your intervention?
- daylighting with less direct heat gain/exposure
Choose a word such as “Love” or “Together” to place over the image.
- friendship
I like the concept, but I wonder if the feelings have to do a bit more with the public/private interaction aspect? Is this space about community gathering, or storefront interactions?
good – zoom in even more.