Phenomena Study for Gonzalo and Jesus
In class exercise:
Each student develops one study image for Gonzalo relating the values, fine-grained urbanism and phenomena of a design moment in time.
1-1:50 pm
Outline posted to blog. Work in a non-linear way cycling through the answers. Post to 2b Phenomena. *Share team Rhino model or site model. Copy / paste prompts below!
1:10 – 1:35 pm
Name of overall project?
ex. Student response in blue text
Post a conceptual image not architecture.
What qualities from the Theoretical framework will be experienced?
What architectural strategies will you use?
Post up to three thumbnail photos, zoomed from our program (granada, olot, etc.).
“Where” in this experience in the project?
What is the context such as orientation to north?
What is/are the programming activities?
When is this point-in-time date and time?
Which environmental forces are being filtered such as radiance, air pollution, sound pollution, humidity, light, air temperature, smell, etc?
Which environmental forces are being embraced?
Who is experiencing this view and who is in the background of this phenomena?
List three words to describe their values?
What data of the existing condition before or outside your intervention?
What design goal data do you expect from your intervention?
Choose a word such as “Love” or “Together” to place over the image.
1:35 – 45 Post. Comment on each other’s work- start with your group-mates.
1:45 Discuss.
// Break 1:50
2:00- 2:50pm
Create a study collage using the answers to the prompts above for the following study collage for Gonzalo:
Use the project title to place the word above (Illustrator)
Use qualities to gather icons
Save out a rendered view of the location with attention to the day and time. “Clay models” for shadows and tones. *Use class 3d if needed or latest team model.
Photoshop layers exaggeration to lighting effects
Use programming activities to add appropriate entourage of people, animals and vegetation.
Use the point-in-time to list the date and time.
Add environmental analysis diagrams such as wind rose, weather chart, radiance analysis, for that point-in-time, adjusting the beta channel via layer
Place icons in vertical columns with leaders with leaders to locations.
Use data analysis to superimpose both existing data and design objective data.
Save as jpg and adjust Hue/saturation/brightness, or use Image adjust/ curves or Pop.
2:50 – 2:55 Post. Comment on each other’s work- start with your group-mates.
2:55 Discuss.
// Break 3:00
Who is doing what media in each group, discussed with Philip.
(3d Elephant, Circle Tool, Ecological Timeline, Arduino sensors viz, Google Earth studio / Aftereffects. Ladybug via studio.)
Philip to meet each set of students across groups.