M Young - Urban Design Problems in Barcelona

M Young – Urban Design Problems in Barcelona

Problem 1: Air pollution

Air pollution has become an increasing problem for the health of residents and the environment in the city of Barcelona, largely caused by vehicular transportation methods. Finding ways to mitigate the effects of poor air quality and air pollution will be critical to maintaining the health of the city.

“This is the province of Spain with the highest levels of pollution: it is in Catalonia”

“Esta es la provincia de España con los niveles más altos de contaminación: está en Catalunya”



“What air do children in Madrid and Barcelona breathe? In 46% of schools the permitted contamination is exceeded”

“¿Qué aire respiran los niños de Madrid y Barcelona? En el 46% de los colegios se supera la contaminación permitida”



Air pollution > environment > air quality > pm or NO2 levels

Air pollution > environment > vegetation > number of planters/plants or quality of planters/plant


Problem 2: Community Integration and Cohesion 

Effects of tourism, job insecurity, and lack of affordable housing is creating an absence of community integration and social cohesion in the city of Barcelona. Analyzing and addressing these contributing issues could help to foster a more diverse and cohesive community.


“Catalonia promotes a neighborhood plan to improve social cohesion”

“Catalunya impulsa un plan de barrios para mejorar la cohesión social”



“Commerce and consumption: Promote social cohesion”

“Comercio y consumo: Favorecer la cohesión social”



“The crisis also ends social cohesion in Barcelona”


Community integration > public space > access to green space > proximity to green space

Community integration > buildings > building use > ground floor use/type