Gonzalo Alonso, Advanced Technology Co-Instructor

Gonzalo Alonso, Advanced Technology Co-Instructor

Gonzalo Alonso, Advanced Technology Co-Instructor with Philip

Abalo Alonso with Elizabeth Abalo

  • Associate Professor of Practice. University of Virginia. USA. Spring  2019
  • Profesor invitado ETSA Navarra. Otoño 2021
  • Bellusci Visiting Professor, University of Oregon, 2022

Gonzalo will be joining us Sunday, April 14th and with us to Sebastia SOLID CLT factory in Rialp (they have used Sebastia in their projects).

Role: Support the CLT integration with your projects in a way that supports your design intent

Advance Technology Workshops preliminary outline:

Workshop 1 – Introduction with Gonzalo, the work on Abalo Alonso and application CLT construction / structure to your housing projects.  Shared Visit to Sebastia SOLID CLT factory in Rialp and question and answer.

Workshop 2 – Presentation of Application ideas and strategies using CLT for your housing projects for Marina del Prat Vermell, meet each group

Workshop 3 – Review and Workshop each groups 1) design intent descriptive paragraph, 2) CLT integration descriptive paragraph, 3) List of Strategies prioritization, and 4) Construction / Structural Module Iso.

Workshop 4 – Final Review of Gonzalo and Elizabeth for final projects and CLT construction structural design integration.