04 Reading (Zhongyang Huang)

04 Reading (Zhongyang Huang)

The Difference is in the Detail, by Vitello, Willcocks “The form of these details (sounds, smells, textures etc) provides a clue as to how our…

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04 Reading

04 Reading

Norberg-Schulz, Christian. “The phenomenon of place.” The urban design reader. Routledge, 2013. 292-304. In the Phenomenon of Place, Norberg-Schulz presents the concept of phenomenology to…

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Sonata Caric_Phenomenon of Place

Sonata Caric_Phenomenon of Place

Norberg-Schulz discusses the relationship between character and space. Any real presence is intimately linked with a character. He repeatedly mentions the functional demand of different…

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02 Reading Sensible Cities

02 Reading Sensible Cities

The idea of having a bottom down approach towards data collection is fascinating, and empowering. I think the ideas related to accessibility can be addressed…

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04 Ando Reading

04 Ando Reading

Towards New Horizons in Architecture I related to the idea of a crystallization of thought rather than a reduction of quality, and I think it’s…

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Speranza Bottom Up Reading

Speranza Bottom Up Reading

The bottom up approach that Speranza discusses is an approach that I would prefer to take. When studying the parameters that Speranza mentions, it connects…

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Data Dimensions Reading

Data Dimensions Reading

Data Dimensions: Accessing urban Data and Making it Accessible, by MIT SENDEable Cities Lab This article goes into detail on decoding urban data sets, and…

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Phenomenon of Place Reading

Phenomenon of Place Reading

The intro to The Phenomenon of Place was interesting because we saw the larger picture of this reading, emphasizing the concept of creating places of…

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New Horizon Reading

New Horizon Reading

Toward New Horizon in Architecture by Tadao Ando explains the concept of critical action as being important and studying/analyzing the origins and essence of a…

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Data Dimensions

Data Dimensions

“Being able to sense a city allows for consideration of the application of operating mechanisms at an urban scale, which actuate the city based on…

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