08D Advanced Tech Survey

08D Advanced Tech Survey


update 8/18 – please make a post in the following 15 minutes

Advanced Technology

  • Title of Individual Sensor project (2 words)

Soil Humidity

  • What is the sensor technology, how does it relate to the qualities studied within the theoretical framework and phenomena, and who does it serve? (Please answer in one sentence)

A soil water sensor with a wifi connection to a community dashboard facilitates community members’ awareness of soil conditions and allows them to help maintain the health of the plantings (which create a variety of smell phenomena). 

// Insert conceptual zoom image of the phenomena from Nuria or other from web (picture of sound)

  • How does the sensor data used by people? (Please answer in one sentence)

The sensor sends data to a community dashboard which, when the soil water content is too low, sends a message across a screen asking community members or passersby to push a button to water the plants. 

// Insert zoom capture of sensor intervention in individual design image (Snipping Tool in Windows) 

Sensor/s used:

  • Name of actual sensory

Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor (our group also built the motion sensor)

// Insert pic of sensor/s only

// Insert pic of custom group sensor + Arduino kit if applicable

Interaction location:

  • Situated technology on site or Mobile app (pick one or both)

Situated technology on site at community dashboard and in planters


  • Actuates “something” (ex. water) / Visible or invisible

The installation shows the soil water content below surface and need for plants to be watered, which is not visible.

// Insert any diagrams of information flow (if you have it)

Information Type:

  • Color, Numerical data, or etc

The community dashboard shows both a graph of the soil water content and a flashing message to push a button to water the plants if the soil water content is too low. (graphic and message/written)

Interaction Type Variable (Prameter):

  • On/off, Intensity, Color, Numerical change, Word change?

The sensor is triggered when the soil water content gets too low, which causes a word on the screen to display and flash, and enables the ability for a push button to be used to trigger the irrigation system (this button is not enabled when the arduino senses the soil water content as sufficient high. 

// Insert overall spread or 8.5″ x 8.5″ of individual intervention.

[Category:  08D Adv Tech]

…only insert pictures if you already have the artwork