

A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History by Manuel DeLanda a Philosophical Route

All structure is the product of historical processes, and it influences philosophy, science, phyiscs, chemistry, and biology. This idea that design/structure influences the world in many ways is intriguing because its suggesting designers have a very large role in society and its history of how it came to be. As architects and other designers partake in their role in society, they need to think about their impact on history and how to design for the present and the future. Now, each designer has their bias on how they think the world should look like, so this might be difficult.

Data Dimensions: Accessing urban Data and Making it Accessible, by MIT SENDEable Cities Lab

This article goes into detail on decoding urban data sets, and how understanding city data is important for research, and in our case, design. Classifying data can be tricky because of the bias of researchers, for example what data to collect, how to interpret that data and distribute it. Evidently, our phones are data collecting machines, its interesting to see how there already a bias on data that reaches each person. For example, the commercials on Youtube or ads on social media, all specifically distributed to me based on my likes on social media or what searches I make, etc/.