01C WRITING Chapin

  1. The general theoretical framework that evolved from Salvador Rueda’s written descriptions of social cohesion is categorized into primary and secondary frameworks. The primary category consists of land uses, demographics, and infrastructure, while secondary categories comprise job access, educational background, and information technology. Of these secondary urban qualities, both public and private indicates are measured to demonstrate the ability of this framework to test social and market forces.
  2. Urban qualities provide places for human-scale activities and can reveal nuances in urban design. Job access, land uses of social space, and social services are three urban qualities within the primary social interaction category.  More than fifty indicators were used to broadly measure social interactions between qualitative and quantitative phenomena to measure these qualities. One of the phenomena measured within each category is the ecological impact. For example, air quality is impacted by the number of trees on site and the type of transit in the area. This ecological phenomenon in turn influences the experiential space of the streets and can be associated with the different indicators.
  3. Social interactions are highly comparative between Barcelona’s Superillas and Gracia’s spaces. In both spaces, indicators such as lighting and source of sound were very successful, creating spaces for meeting. Other similarities between the two spaces were access to housing, tree species, services, and job indicators. However, in a space like Gracia, job transit, vegetation, and transit are not necessary for a successful meeting place.