04 Reading Tadao Ando and Christian Norberg Schulz

“Towards New Horizons in Architecture” Tadao Ando

Tadao Ando writes on the abstraction of natural elements in architecture, where the lines of dwelling are blurred between the interior and the exterior. As architecture establishes itself within a landscape, it so becomes a part of that landscape and of that context. Cultivating an experience that enhances the spirit of place comes hand in hand with the patterns and logic which define it. I feel that this is important when considering site design, as the patterns of a culture are just as much a part of the patterns of environment. When thinking about care, the environmental and social aspects of place may be transformed to fit the needs of those who need it most. Carrying the logic of the overall city and surrounding environments which characterize place will enhance the feeling of inclusion and identity, and thus the feeling of belonging which is so important to underdeveloped neighborhoods.

“The Phenomenon of Place” Christian Norberg Schulz

The constitution of place as a culmination of experiences give a physical environment its own experiential characteristics. In Phenomenon of Place, Christian Norberg Schulz articulates the experiences of an environment within patterns and poetry. Contextualizing emotion in the measurable experiences of the senses demonstrates the locality of place. Phenomena–the sounds, smells, light patterns–of a place may be measured by the feelings which they evoke. Designing for patterns of long term phenomena as they change throughout the course of a day, year, or decade may be important to think about in the context of urban design. As users rely on the street as a center for commerce, community, and social cohesion, it is important that the feeling of place at the human scale is well established and harmonious with the context of an idealized environ.