Data Dimensions

Data Dimensions

“Being able to sense a city allows for consideration of the application of operating mechanisms at an urban scale, which actuate the city based on…

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Phenom of a Place

Phenom of a Place

Norburg’s ability to summarize how phenomenon is tied to an atmospheric feeling or ties to the human senses is also an important design tool. The…

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Bottom up - Speranza

Bottom up – Speranza

Urban planning using a bottom-up approach allows for local identities to be infused into design via community participation, phenomenology, and sensory feedback. By using this…

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New Horizons- Ando

New Horizons- Ando

Alike Christian Noberg-Schulz, Tadao Ando writes in poetic tones to compliment his philosophical arguments. His notions about architectural creation are rooted in critical action, where…

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Sonata Caric_Design Intervention Description

Sonata Caric_Design Intervention Description

08A: Design Intervention Description Design Intervention: Narrow Street Outline Abstract The narrow street provides passage between the main axis’ of Sant Andreu. The design intervention…

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Bottoms Up- Speranza

Bottoms Up- Speranza

I really enjoyed Philips story about how he got into 22@ and the development of the superilles. The idea that architects need to start to…

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Data Dimensions

Data Dimensions

This article was fascinating in that it teaches so many different ways that data collection can be done. Also so many creative ways that it…

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Phenomena of Place- Christian Norberg

Phenomena of Place- Christian Norberg

Norberg in the “Phenomena of Place” talks about the concrete fixed and the emotions of “place”. He mentions this needing to be described as landscape…

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The Phenomenon of Place

The Phenomenon of Place

In his writing, The Phenomenon of Place, Christian emphasizes the thought that each place has a poetic quality and a spiritual sense of its own…

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03 Readings- Data Dimensions

03 Readings- Data Dimensions

Before this paper I viewed data and its acquirement as a straightforward process. However, I now realize the complexity behind the properties of data: its…

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