08B Final Review Comments

08B Final Review Comments


1. I hope to use feedback on our overall design to revise this design as a group. During the review (and before the review, from Ignacio), our group received feedback that our design may be too cluttered, emphasizing the objects in our design (such as planters and benches) instead of the space that people occupy between these objects. As a group, I hope we can simplify our design by reducing and being more thoughtful about our use of these objects.

2. I also hope that, as a group, we can improve our presentation by including more background information and context about our immediate site. We received feedback that the granularity of the context of our project is not conveyed in our presentation. While we collected lots of data on the existing condition of the neighborhood, we did not convey the existing condition well in our presentation, instead focusing on our new design. I believe that understanding the existing condition is key to understanding why the new design works well, and therefore I hope that our group can put together some slides to both qualitatively and quantitatively convey the existing condition to readers/viewers/reviewers.

3. Another thing I hope my group can achieve is further simplification of our overall presentation. We received the feedback that our overall goals and storyline for this project are not clear and were getting buried in all the information that we presented. I think that there is information that was in our presentation that may not necessarily be essential to our storytelling process for the design. Being selective about what information is emphasized and what information is included could help clarify our overall ideas and goals for this complicated project.



1. Individually, I hope to act on the suggestion that design metrics and data be further intergraded into design drawings. This is something we began to do for the review last Thursday by including icons. I think having numbers and hard data over our design drawings could provide quantitative justification for our design decisions in the drawings themselves, which I think would be powerful.

2. Building off of the idea of including data in design drawings, I would like to do another revision to our overall design, looking again at our data and the data visualizations we created. I think checking the design we have against what the data suggests for various indicators, and then revising the design based on any discrepancies, could facilitate significant improvement to our design.

3. Reviewers gave us feedback that the feeling of Barcelona is not well conveyed in our presentation. I would like to create and include more “zooms” showing the design and the city, especially the feeling of the city, on a human scale. Including this human scale more frequently in our design process and presentation could better convey the feeling both of our project and the city. Focusing on phenomena could help to achieve this.