Week 2 Readings

A thousand Years of Non Linear History, by Manuel DeLanda

A philosophical route, this text dives into the exploration of geological examples, through the idea that the examples drive themselves as dynamic elements that have much in common with natural phenomenons. As well, the author uses words such as logical and linguistic to describe and give new context to his message of the various manifestations of architecture.

Data Dimensions: Accessing urban Data and Making it Accessible, by MIT SENDEable Cities Lab

This reading dove into the many biases that occur when making data sets. Such biases can be personal, and how ones own thoughts implement the collected data, and as described in the reading, can be is what filters data in order to make it accessible to certain narratives and audiences. As seen in our own data collection process, many of us were affected by our expectations, opinions, and biases throughout the process, of which are strived from our narratives made for the process of this design work.