Elk plugin for Grasshopper

Elk plugin for Grasshopper

Friday we will so Elk together but here are additional resources

You will need to download the ELK plugin (Elk v1.0) and (Elk 2.0) to your Grasshopper.

**Follow installation instructions carefully including unblocking zipped Elk 2 download file.

Elk 2.0 Demo Video:

v1 http://vimeo.com/31035360

v2 https://vimeo.com/142881244


You may also find the Grasshopper (GH) Primer and Forum in our links to the right of this blog.

Grasshopper 2 Introduction and Image Sampler

Grasshopper 3a Point Attractor (Based on curve geometry)

Elk Tutorial (text walk through GH Elk Notes)

insert link to Philip video