![ASSIGNMENT 05C: LANDSCAPE CATALOG](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/barcelona2018/files/2018/07/14999299378641375984142-2fl1y7a-470x140.jpg)
Landscape Catalog (due Monday, July 9):
Using your best idea for a baseline comparison space for your project in Barcelona or elsewhere, develop a landscape catalog with reference to time. It should begin with a quality and lead to landscape materials that support the qualities. Existing and proposed. It should include key atmospheric information such as temperature, humidity, wind, etc.
Use photographs of cataloged materials including: trees; shrubs; ground cover and urban furniture. Animals and insects. Indicate the qualities they support and the indicators values from the Google Sheet / CSV database. Use your identified timeline of 24 hours, 7 days a week, seasons of the year (what are the key months of your “seasons”?), etc.
See below for examples. Consider a series of diagrams over time. Consider human programming ideas too (ex. play, sit, eat)
Blog category [05C Landscape Catalog]
James Corner, Planting Calendar
Ian McHarg, ecological inventory
Traditional planting plan and legend
Traditional planting plan and legend
Corner material catalog
Corner material catalog
James Corner and Diller, Scofidio + Renfro, The High Line
time-based ecological growth
time-based ecological growth