Thoughts of Loss in Cultural Traditions and Biodiversity in Bulgaria

Like most other countries in the world, modernization has made it diffcult in Bulgari to maintain the cultural image it once had. Some modernization practices even placing an endagerment on biodiversity in the region.

Some of the most notable changes in culture are a  deminishing numbers cultural practices and even a change from the local language. As most other countries have expierienced, with introductions to more modern practices and beliefs, the people of Bulgaria began to drift away from most cultural practices that were performed. However, they still keep some of the more important practices such as the Kuker festivals to celebrate teh begining of the new agricultural year.

As for the change in language, there is said to be three seperate historical periods. (1) Old Bulgaria, which covers 9th – 11th century; (2) Middle Bulgarian, 12th – 16th century; and (3) Modern Bulgarian which covers from 16th century to present day. During the Middle Bulgaian period, there was a loss of cases of noun, along with other linguistic changes. This then changes in the modern Bulgarian written language which stems mostly from the widly read religious collections from the 16th century. Its vocabulary mostly consists of a number of Russian and Church Slavonic loanwords. Then during the time period between the first and second world war, there was a movement to replace the Russian and Chruch Slavonic Loanwords from other languges with natve Bulgarian words.

Similar to the language and culture of Bulgaria, biodiversity has taken a change in tree cover of the land. From 2010 to the present, there has been a 3.4% decrease in treecover of the land. Wtihin that time period, there has been a loss in 139 kha in thecountry.

Published by: Ian Camacho

Ian Camacho is a Chemistry major going for a minor in Globalization who is passionate about sharing news and important events going on in the region of the Balkans. Being from a small town, Ian has had a knack for following the news outside of where he lives which helps bring a more factual side to the "Balkan Student News." When not writing, he likes to go for walks and find niche games to play with friends. He is very exited this year to be a Duck and can't wait to share his knowledge with people.

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