Service Blueprint


As of right now, below is the current process of a consumer entering an athletic event and finding and deciding on what food to order.
Services Blueprint

Now, we have inserted the issues faced in the image below.

Services Blueprint (Revision)We can fix this by…

Many factors lead to the mass inefficiency of the operation. Firstly, the extreme lack of communication and expectation level between higher supervisors and management to concessions staff leads to a majority of the inefficiencies. Most of the communication is done through radio devices. The devices are in a limited around thus only a few members of the staff are in communication with each other. The majority of the staff are only able to communicate with higher management by physically finding them or waiting for them at their appointed site. With this system in effect it is easy to see why communication is slow.

Before the consumers enter the facilities, the staff should be properly trained and confident in their assigned tasks. Therefore, the staff can then communicate better with the customers. This can be address with proper training. Staff training takes place only once before the season begins. Any other training is on a ‘learn on the job’ basis. In addition to that, rarely any feedback comes back to management on the performance of the staff. The staff needs a longer training period as well as a feedback session mid-season to improve work ethic and to discuss expectations. Most problems occur because the staff is not familiar with the facility or they have not learned to critically think and analyze the situation.

Next, all concession stands needs to be stocked in an orderly and similar manner.

Then, the staff needs to approach each athletic event as its own and not prepare food based on the attendance or sales of a previous game. The groups working in the stand need to communicate with each other in order to not over prepare the food. Also, the turnover rate is expected at 45 seconds per transaction. Groups need to work towards that goal to minimize lines.

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