Job listing research

Job Title: Online Partner Marketing Associate
Company: Hotwire
Job Function: Marketing
Requisition Type: Full-Time Regular
State: California (CA)
Country: United States
State or Province/City: San Francisco
Post Date: 10/23/2015
Education Required: Bachelors
Experience Required: Not Indicated
Relocation Provided: No

Company Overview:
Hotwire is a company driven to get people out of the ordinary and into a vacation of their dreams. They pride themselves of excellent customer service and are committed to understanding the customers needs and getting them the best possible travel deal.

Position Overview:
This position belongs to one of the biggest marketing channels at Hotwire, which is expected to be a greater contributor to customer growth. Within a highly visible role in the organization,it provides an opportunity to influence how Hotwire runs. This job requires support on global marketing business focus on growing online.

Support marketing managers and systems through a series of business analysis
Drive customer segmentation efforts
Highly detail-oriented and communication skills

Upon reviewing both customer reviews on as well as employee reviews on indeed, we have come to the conclusion that Hotwire is not a company that exercises the disciplines that they outlined. Customers stressed that the service was atrocious, one quoted an employee as saying they had a “10-20% ability” to assist them. The discrepancies between the dream vacation advertised and the experience the customer is actually getting is staggering. Furthermore, the employees feel the same about the company. Employees were quoted as saying that there was poor management which resulted in a disorganized processes and angry customers. After reading countless reviews about the company the general conciseness is that they are not a superior company that provides great service.

We have come to the conclusion that this job and company are not as interesting as we thought after reading the initial job post. We all agree that working here would not be desirable.

Road Map:
Since this is an entry level job with an bachelor degree and without experience required, in order to get to a more advanced job(experience focused,maybe higher scores of customer reviews job), it is beneficial to acquire working experience in business marketing field through this entry level job. Afterwards, this advanced job might be a marketing manager and then progress to a senior marketing manager.

WordPress Workshop 1


Our names are Chase Benton, Steven McPhee, Yundi Luo

We decided to name our URL BA317csy because its the name of the class and our first name initials. We didnt put too much thought into our website layout and picked a random template. We went to and found an image that we liked and put it as our header photo.

We are looking forward to learning how to market using digital media.

Executive Health Spa

  • Screen Shot 2015-10-07 at 5.02.21 PM
  • This photo shows recently purchased homes above $500 thousand dollars in the immediate area of the proposed location of the spa. The amount of homes sold proves that there is an abundance of affluence in the area we are targeting.
  • Location: Downtown Lake Oswego
  • Reasons why to choose this location:
    • Located on A street which is the main street that goes though this unique and beautiful city.
    • It is located in between the 3 main freeways/highways in that area. It is 10 minutes off both 217 and I-5 and 15 minutes off of I-205.
    • It is also located in between Lake Oswego Country Club, Lake Oswego High School, and Marylhurst University.
    • This location is surrounded by communities that offer homes well above half a million dollars. Including retirement homes which would be a community in which would enjoy going to a spa.
    • There is a very popular location to have wedding receptions. Not sure what bridesmaids do before the reception but feel like a spa isn’t a bad guess. It is less than 5 blocks away from the location we would hold our spa.
    • There is 29 businesses located in that area which have about 100-500 employees which is an added benefit to where our spa is located.

Additionally, by looking at customer potentials, household income in city of Lake Oswego shows about half of households have over $100,000 or more yearly income, which tends to be a potentially profitable market. And median age in this city is around 45, people around this age might be a group going to spa very often.