Upon reviewing the data, furniture was the product category which yielded the lowest profits. The total profits of furniture were approximately $117,000 dollars. For comparison the total profits yielded from the sale of office supplies was over $518,000 dollars. After dividing the profits by the amount of sales for each, there is almost a $7 dollar difference in profit for each sale between the two product categories. It is clear that office supplies are the much more profitable product and account for a larger portion of total business. It is important for the company to realize what is making them the most profit and focus on pushing those items the most. The emphasis should be on office supplies over furniture. One last thing that was looked at was profits for each form of shipping. Of course, the results were as expected. The delivery truck was far and away the most profitable form of transportation while regular air was second and express the least profitable. While it may not be possible to use the truck for every delivery, its clear that it should be used the most. With express delivery only used if requested or required.