
Original writing in the form of a timeline that shows when the film was made and gives some context in the form of related events.

January 1, 1900: the first event

February 2, 1920: the second event

March 3, 1930: the third event happened around this time

April 4, 1940: another event

May 5, 1950: some other stuff happened

June 6, 1960: lots of weird things went down

July 7, 1970: stuff was still happening

One dog lying down, another dog standing.

A still from the film.

Additional original writing by DavidĀ ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer luctus aliquam ex, a imperdiet urna sodales in. Duis ultrices leo in luctus scelerisque. Phasellus vel diam et lorem mollis scelerisque vitae quis nisi. Aenean a lorem in ligula volutpat elementum. Ut ac sem nec enim sollicitudin semper a vel lorem. Nam non finibus ligula. Maecenas eleifend quis magna id rutrum. Proin congue, odio suscipit tristique gravida, justo orci sagittis nibh, vel consectetur nunc tortor id lectus. Donec id dui vel ipsum laoreet tincidunt. Nullam eu nisl sit amet nisi rhoncus tempor.