Hi Grandma,
I miss you! I’m liking college but it’s harder than I thought. I’m feeling a little homesick, and I was just thinking of you and grandpa. I am so appreciate for everything you’ve done to support me in my life. You have always been so kind and genuine and caring, and I wanted you to know how much the time you spent with me when I was younger meant to me. I will forever cherish the afternoons I spent watching movies with you, and eating craft mac and cheese. After hard days, I think of those days often, because they truly shaped my childhood and now I understand how important my family is to me. I am so grateful to have grown up with a role model like you, who shows me the person and the life I want to create for myself. Even your presence brings me calmness and peace, and I’m so glad to be your granddaughter. You are one of the strongest and kindest people I have ever known, and I hope I can have half the impact on my own children that you’ve had on me.
I love you so much.
Love, Ava