I sailed as a member of the science party aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth in spring of 2023 to deploy ~60 ocean bottom seismometers at the Galápagos. The goal of the experiment, named Marine IGUANA, was to obtain teleseismic data (recordings of earthquakes around the globe) in order to image the mantle structure of the region. The Galápagos Islands are built up by volcanism resulting from a mantle plume. The islands also lie very close to the Galápagos spreading center, leading to interesting interactions between these two geologic features. This is an unprecedented study, as plume-ridge interactions have not been imaged to this extent. Learning about how they interact at the Galápagos can tell us more about the mantle’s structure, dynamics, and material properties.
After sailing on the Galápagos OBS deployment cruise, I was fortunate to be able to sail again for the instrument recovery 15 months later (early summer of 2024). On the recovery cruise aboard the R/V Sally Ride, I got to look at some preliminary teleseismic data, learn more about how OBS’s work, and work with a great team of scientists, technicians, and crew. I am very thankful for both of these amazing opportunities, and I hope to participate in more research cruises in the future!
I also enjoyed designing the logos for both of these expeditions, featured on our cruise t-shirts:
(in collaboration with Michelle Nathan:)