Welcome to the University of Oregon Autism Interest Group!


The UO Autism Interest Group is hosting “Autism Watch Parties”!
Join us to watch online lectures on the latest developments in autism research! Afterwards, we have a group discussion, plus sweet treats. The more diverse backgrounds and experiences we represent, the better!

Coming up: INSAR Autism Summer Institute lectures Click here!

The UO Autism Interest Group is thrilled to partner with the Oregon Health Sciences University to live-stream and record the OHSU Autism Seminar Series!
Dr. Eric Fombonne has generously arranged for the seminar series to be live-streamed as well as recorded. Now you can watch talks in real time or later from the comfort of your home/office/coffee shop! Dr. Fombonne has also kindly set up a feature for you to submit questions to the speaker if you are live-streaming the talk.  Click here!

The UO Autism Interest Group is excited to increase our involvement within the broader autism community and partner with local autism groups!
We have participated in several local events, including The Arc Families Connected’s Easter Egg Bonanza and The Arc Families Connected’s Holiday Party. Please let us of know of any local events that could use some volunteers!


Free public presentation by Dr Heidi Feldman Friday November 4th 12-1pm: “Redesigning Health Care Policy for People with Disabilities.”
Dr. Feldman will discuss what parents can reasonably ask for in the health care of their children with disabilities, the changing face of health care toward a greater emphasis on long-term conditions, the importance of patient/proxy input, and tips on “how- to’s.

Clinical Services Building, 901 East 18th Avenue, on U of O campus (location of CDRC), Room 201ABC. Light refreshments will be served.











pLANS FOR 2016-2017

The UO Autism Interest Group is very excited to form stronger relationships between academic fields at the University of Oregon, and between the UO and the broader community. We are currently in the process of organizing several events for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.

  1. Given the great success of our previous Autism Lecture Series, we plan to offer another set of autism symposium-style talks. Similar to the previous year, speakers will represent a broad range of researchers, clinicians, teachers, and community members. Topics will include current psychological and neuroscience research, family-based interventions, family training programs, teaching strategies, and treatment/coping.
  2. We plan to host Autism Watch Parties, where as we can watch talks on autism research and hot topics and discuss them as a group. Light refreshments will be provided.
  3. We plan to host more autism movie nights. This events will be held on campus and be open to students, faculty, and community members,
  4. We will continue to serve as a resource that shares information about autism and mental health related events being offered at the UO and broader community.
  5. We will continue to develop an active presence within the broader autism community. If you need volunteers for a local autism community event (e.g., walk-a-thon, craft fair, fundraiser, etc.), contact us! 🙂

Stay tuned for more information! Sign up for our list serve at aig@uoregon.edu to learn about autism-related talks and events.

We regularly post information, studies, news, and events on our facebook page. “Like” us to stay in touch.

Mission Statement

The University of Oregon Autism Interest Group is a campus-wide alliance of research labs and faculty whose interests lie in understanding and treating autism. We meet regularly to discuss various aspects of autism, ranging from molecular mechanisms to effective classroom strategies . It is our hope that the high diversity of expertise and interests will foster cross-fertilization of ideas and a general understanding of all aspects of this neurodevelopmental disorder.

What is Autism?

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are a set of complex developmental disorders under the larger umbrella term of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. ASDs include classic autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS). ASD is a “spectrum disorder” where autistic traits are expressed to varying degrees across individuals. Although the causes of ASDs are unknown, ASD is characterized as a neurological disorder, with roots in brain development, as well as a genetic disorder, such that people are more likely to be diagnosed with an ASD if they have a family member who also has a diagnosis. The Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP) suggests that autistic traits also run within the family, even if family members do not have a clinical diagnosis.

ASD is typically recognized as early as three years old, although many people with an ASD do not receive a diagnosis until later in life. Recent estimates suggest ASDs are diagnosed in 1 of 68 Americans (actual prevalence rates are likely higher), and 1 in 42 boys have an ASD. In fact, boys are five times more likely to have a diagnosis than girls.

The Diagnostic Statistical Manual-V (DSM-V) characterizes ASDs by impaired social and communication skills, as well as repetitive behaviors and/or restricted interests. In addition, many people with ASD describe atypical sensory processing. ASDs are also commonly associated with a range of unique strengths, such as a fine attention to detail, strong inductive reasoning skills, and specialization within a particular area of interest.


Summer 2016 Autism Movie Group Viewing- Life, Animated











Spring 2016 Autism Movie Screening and Discussion – Autism: The Musical
(Part of UCEDD’s Lunchtime Learning Series)
April 8, 2016 12-1:30pm

AIG movie lunch










Spring 2015 Pint Night
May 4, 2015 11am-midnight

Falling Sky Pint Night










Spring 2015 Autism Lecture Series
Part 1: April 21, 2015 6-8pm; Part 2: April 28, 2015 6-8pm

2015 Autism Speaker Series flyer










Spring 2013 Autism Movie Night- Temple Grandin
May 30, 2013 7pm