So, during first term, we were prompted to write a similar post about our leadership styles. Upon re-reading what I had blabbed on about, I’ve decided to digress. Instead on focusing on the fact that I’m a closer, I am now going to write about my personal strengths and weaknesses. So instead of using the ‘definition’ of a closer as a lens I’m going to break away from the description and just write what I know.
And I know myself.
I believe myself to be very antisocial. This is not say that I do not enjoy the company of others, but I’m also not saying I’m particularly socially awkward. I just don’t mind silence, and I don’t mind being alone. Now I realize this may be a problem in the business field as a big part of it is networking, but don’t misunderstand, I know how to socialize. I just think that in general, compared to the rest of the population, I reach out to people a lot less than most. Which makes me very appreciative to those who actually make an effort to get to know me since I know for a fact that I am almost never the one to initiate contact. Though, I did just that by pledging a sorority, but that’s a tale for another time.
Time for a strength: I am tenacious.
Most of the time, I know exactly what I want and I have an idea of how to get it. Some of my determination stems from my impatience, but most of it is because I like to be efficient, and I think that trait will get be rather far in life. Just sitting back and letting things fall into place whenever they feel like seems very unproductive to me, and to those who know exactly what I’m saying or have heard this spiel before, you know what I’m talking about when I say I’m a minimalist. I don’t believe in always doing the most to achieve something. I’m not saying I’m inadequate in my work, but a straight line is a straight line–I don’t play games and I don’t beat around the push. I push for what I want. Passion is my superpower. (For I was unlucky enough not to be granted with a real one).
I see no problem in being a bit abrasive when trying for something I want; because I know that if I don’t get it, no one else will get it for me. This can be applied to many things–academics, connections, friendships– I don’t do anything half-assed because then what would be the point? I’m not afraid to hurt feelings, because in the end, it’s better for me and for them. I do what I need to get done and they learn something about themselves that other people have probably noticed but have been too shy or too afraid to share with them. I tell it straight, which I see as a gift and a curse (but a gift mostly). I don’t have the most refreshing of personalities, but I thrive around people who accept me for who I am.
Don’t we all?
– Ro