How do Women Flirt With There Bodies?

Women all across the globe first smile at her admirer. She then lifts her eyebrows and widens her eyes. Then, quickly, she drops her eyelids and turns her head to down and to the side. Often times they giggle and hide behind their hands.

How do Men Flirt With Their Bodies?

Men puff out their chest. Sometimes the male will also put his hands behind his head, or have some other stance that shows he is confident.

How do People Flirt With Their Eyes?

In places that eye contact is permitted people of the opposite sex will gaze intently into each others eyes for about three seconds and then will drop their eyes and look away.

How Does Eye Contact Have to do With it?

Eye contact has an immediate effect on people.

The gaze of another person calls out one of two responses: Retreat or Approach.

People are programed to respond to eye contact. They have to respond in some way.

Often when people look into each others eyes they interpret this immediate connection with love at first sight.

Dose Smiling Have to do With Love?

Yes. Humans have about eighteen different smiles that we, sometime subconsciously, interpret. The one used most in courting is the “open smile”.

This smile is when a persons lips are drawn back. Both the lower and upper teeth are showing. We interpret this as a way of flirting, acknowledging that the other person likes us. People generally like others who like them back and are nice.

Also, people who smile more often are usually regarded as more attractive.

What About the Way a Person Looks?

Studies have shown that people with a higher forehead and an angled chin are more attractive to most people.

In a recent study, it was found that more women like a more feminine looking person when they are not on their ovulating. However, when they are ovulating they think more masculine looking people are more attractive.

What Kind of Personalities do People Like?

In the same study it shows that when women are ovulating, they are heightened to the sense of the pheromone androstenol which is connected to male body odor.

They also like men when they show strength, aggression, or dominance.

Women also like it when men are mysterious.

What Happens When We Find a Combination of Personality and Looks We Like?

When there is a combination of attributes that we like, for example eye contact, high forehead, angled chin, a nice smile, and mysteriousness, we then get a rush of chemicals in our brain.

Dopamine: a chemical in our brain that is associated with happiness. It has to do with thought and action. it deals with how we go about responding to certain situations.

Vasopressin: a chemical that helps with pair bonding.

Oxytocin: a chemical that gives off a sense of intimacy and helps with sexual reproduction.

Adrenaline: a chemical that closes blood vessels and increases our heart rate. It makes us sweat (sweaty palms).

All of these combined give off a sense of euphoria. Some people take his as a sign that they are in love.

What happens to Our Brains When We are in Love?

  • Blood Levels:

Cortisol (an anti stress hormone), stress, and alertness are high.

Pain sensitivity is low.

  • Brain Chemicals:

Pleasure, motivation, sexual arousal, attraction, relaxation, trust, psychological stability, attachment, and obsessive thinking are high.

Sadness, fear, anxiety, and depression are low.

The image below shows the parts of the brain and how they are affected:

Brian in Love

What do You Think? Is Love At First Sight Real?

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