Dylan drinks his favorite Thanksgiving drink along with his turkey and mash potatoes. He says that during every one of his Thanksgiving dinners growing up his mom would buy multiple bottles of sparkling apple cider that he and siblings would enjoy. This of course is more of a family Thanksgiving tradition rather than a cultural tradition. The cider is non-alcoholic.
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Other Responsibilities
As Dylan is being overwhelmed by a plethora of food Zeid tends to his other responsibilities after completing his homework, he goes to tend to his laundry as well as cleaning the bathroom and tidying up the room before Anshul arrives. Time goes by slowly and a sensation of hunger begins to creep up upon him, yet he decides to wait for his friend before eating.
Dylan’s Dinner
Although Dylan did not take any pictures of his dinner at the family friend’s house he did describe the meal they had. The meal consisted of most of the items in the picture above. According to Dylan it was, “a lot of turkey and mash potatoes”. He also went on to add that there were multiple salad options and other smaller dishes, accompanied by pumpkin pie and other desserts after the meal.
Time To Work
Zeid is working on his essay for his middle-eastern anthropology class. He has no envy for those who are currently eating stuffed turkey and mash potatoes because today is just another regular day for him. He waits for his friend Anshul to arrive from Seattle so they can have some fun, but in the meantime he will get his homework finished.
Dylan starts off his Thanksgiving Day by watching his favorite national football team play, the Dallas Cowboys. It is traditional for many football fans to watch the multiple games that are played throughout the day, whether it be background noise or family bonding time, Thanksgiving day football is certainly part of the Thanksgiving tradition. Also the cowboys won so Dylan was a happy man.