Lesson Plan 5

Lesson Plan 5

Website: Scratch.com

How to set up a Scratch account:

Select top right corner ‘Join Scratch’, follow instructions till completed

Select your new user name in top right corner, click ‘my stuff’ (where all your project will be)

Select ‘New Project +’ tab on the right to create your new project

Be sure to click tab on ‘File’> ‘Save now’ tab on top, and save your project often!

Pro Tip: when in editing mode, you can click the tab ‘See Project Page’ to view the Project alone. Similarly, if you are viewing the project page without the editing features, select the ‘See Inside’ tab to edit and work on your Scratch project.


Pro Tip: To Restart a Scratch program, Click the Green Flag! To permanently Stop the program, click the Red stop sign!