Module 3 essay, Group C2
Image via Wikipedia GroupC2, Module 3 essay For your reading pleasure…
Image via Wikipedia GroupC2, Module 3 essay For your reading pleasure…
WHAT MIGHT REMIXED PROGRAMMING OR ARTS PARTICIPATION LOOK/SOUND/FEEL LIKE? AND WHAT PLACE WOULD AESTHETICS HAVE IN THIS REMIXING? This is the question you will address in your essay, taking the perspective of arts and culture workers dedicated to imaginative recombinations… Continue Reading
Turns out I had not posted this when I thought I did (thanks for the reminder, Susan!)…
Below are links to the essays produced by groups A1 & A2 for Module 1. I have removed individual group member names on these copies of the documents. Please do read them and provide any discussion/comment on this post, focusing… Continue Reading
Length: 1500 words Due: End of the day Monday May 24 (one group member should email essay to Doug at Our investigation of Art and (Sustainable) Society has focused on four questions this term. Imagine the syllabus for this… Continue Reading
Here are PDFs of the two group essays for this module: Group 1 essay Group 2 essay
Length: 1500 words Due: end of day, Monday, 5/10 (one group member should email it to John) WHAT WOULD REMIXED PROGRAMMING or ARTS PARTICIPATION LOOK/SOUND/FEEL LIKE? This is the question you will address in your essay, taking the perspective of… Continue Reading
The two essays for this module are turned in and available for everyone to read now. Module 1 – Group 1 Module 1 – Group 2 Above are links to the PDFs; you can also access Group 2’s essay here… Continue Reading