Comments on the first module question are wonderful so far, as are the wide range of examples you are all bringing to the discussion. A few posts made it to the Module 1 readings/resources page, which is a common occurrence over the past few years. I’ll go over this in class once we meet again, but I’d like your comments to be appended to the module “prompt” posts that I make here, in the blog stream. I’ve turned commenting off with the other module “readings/resources” pages (found via the links to the right of the post stream…), which will hopefully alleviate the confusion! I should probably come up with a better naming schema…
Tomorrow, Oct. 5, is the 2011 Oregon Arts Summit. I am fairly certain a significant number of us will be there, and we may even have spontaneous conversations about the intersections of our class material and the summit happenings. For those of us not going, keep in mind that you can follow the “back channel” via Twitter with the official hash tag: #oarts11. I’ll be posting a bit here and there, and there should be a number of AAD students acting as “roving reporters.” There is also a Twitter search widget tracking that hash tag in the first sidebar of our course site (just look to the right, and then scroll down a bit…).
For the “A” groups responsible for next week’s essay, look in this blog stream for an essay prompt by Thursday afternoon. I’ll distill our comments/conversation (likely with some flavoring from the summit) into a question, and your essays will address it. I’ll post more details on the assignment along with that prompt.
Another assignment due next week is the proposal for your field guide (by 10/14). This should be emailed to me, or posted to your learning portfolio, so that I can give feedback. Here are the official guidelines:
Part A: Identify an art world practice in 750–1000 words, plus related media material. Post on your student learning portfolio and syndicate to course site or provide us a link. Due: October 14. 15 points possible.
For those of you working on the SCY:Springfield option (I’ll confirm this on Thursday with everyone who has expressed interest), you should each generate a proposal; it does not matter if they all say the same thing, as the point will be more for you all to start thinking of exciting approaches, ideas, and angles. Once we get teams formed, we will align everyone’s efforts…
Finally, a post of interest can be found here; the author discusses her visit to a show in NY put on by Creative Time. I’ll not give anything away by digesting the post, but will say that there is much resonance with your comments from this module as well as some pointing toward the question for Module 2…
The email from OAS staff sent today lists the hashtag as “#orarts11”