Length: 1500 words
Due: End of the day Tuesday November 23 (one group member should email essay to Doug at dblandy@uoregon.edu. Do not put your names on your essay. Only indicate what group your are in (letter and number).
Our investigation of Art and Society has focused on four questions this term. Imagine the syllabus for this course in 2030. What four questions should shape the course in that year. Support your choice of each question with trends that you see emerging today that you believe will shape the arts and culture two decades from now. While the questions you pose may be influenced by technological developments, the questions should address larger issues. In addition to posing four questions describe how the learning environment for the course will be like and unlike our current learning environment. Finally imagine and describe the final project for the course. Keep in mind that the students taking the course in 2030 are currently in elementary school or middle school.
* pose four questions = 4 pts
* evidence supporting questions = 4 pts
* describe learning environment = 4 pts
* describe final project = 4 pts
* correct spelling/grammar/editing= 4 pts