![First essay (rejected postage stamp design) of... First essay (rejected postage stamp design) of...](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b8/Thai_stamp_essay.jpg/350px-Thai_stamp_essay.jpg)
First essay (rejected postage stamp design) of Thailand (Elephant Essay). Early 1880s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Due: 10/12/15 (electronically via email or posted to one of your eportfolios, with link sent to me)Details: 1500 words (or so), with accompanying transmedia materials (see below)
In many ways, our discussion in class at the start of Module 1 laid foundations for mapping the notion of “collective” (as manifest in Becker’s concept of ‘art worlds’) to current efforts at building participatory arts and culture programming. More to the point, in class we examined a range of assumptions and ‘invisible’ factors in examples of participatory programming, uncovering a cascade of complex relationships and dynamics. But what are some specific values we might find embedded in participatory programming? And what are the various facets or threads of participation that we need to identify in order to think holistically and intentionally about arts experiences and opportunities?
Working with an example of a particular arts/culture organization’s program that your group chooses, you have two initial tasks in this essay: 1). articulate three to five (3-5) primary values that drive or support “participatory” aspects in the example, and 2). identify a range of facets/threads of participation (i.e who participates and how). There is no set number on this second task, but your list should be as exhaustive as possible given your example. No need to detail each “role” or thread of participation beyond naming or labeling (i.e. a sentence should suffice), but be specific and succinct (eg. instead of simply saying “audience,” state what audience members might be expected or assumed to be doing). The third task is to wrap the essay up by critically analyzing and discussing how the values you indentifed intersect with (support, contradict, extend, amplify, etc) three (3) of the threads for participation.
Illustrate your essay with transmedia examples related to the organization/program you choose (i.e. things that tell the story across a range of ‘media’); these may be embedded in your essay as links or actual media objects.
In choosing your example, feel free to draw on those explored in class, detailed in comments on the Module 1 prompt, links posted to our course Diigo group, or one your group comes up with independently. Given the brevity of this assignment, your essay should clearly:
A. describe the example at hand by providing a brief ‘bio’ of the arts organization/program
B. identify and succinctly explore the values underlying “participation” that you have identified
C. list and label as many threads (roles & opportunities) of participation that you can come up with for the example
D. evaluate and analyze intersections of the values and threads, paying attention to concepts emergent in Becker’s work as well as other readings from Module 1.
Be sure to draw on writings and other resources we have examined in class in order to contextualize and illustrate your comments. There is no set number of sources you have to use, and since this is an essay it should demonstrate a logical argument toward a goal that represents your group’s collective thinking; it needn’t be laden with outside citations, but should address relevant ones as needed.
Group Presentation:
Each group will lead a 25-minute presentation & discussion about their essay in class on 10/13/12. Successful and engaging presentations will be more than basic outlining and explanation of your essay’s argument, and will ideally involve an element of interactivity. Be creative, have fun, and try to enact a flavor of the example you discuss in the essay (to the extent possible!); do not feel pressured to have a ‘hi-tech’ presentation or activity. Feel free to run any ideas by me, and let me know what sort of media/tech you might be using as I will help coordinate that.
ESSAY RUBRIC: (out of 20)
description of example = 3pts
identify & describe values= 5pts
list & label threads of participation = 5pts
critically analzye intesections of values & threads= 5pts
spelling/grammar/flow = 2
TOTAL = 20