Module 4 essay prompt


Question Mark Graffiti

Question Mark Graffiti (Photo credit: Bilal Kamoon)


Our investigation of art in society so far this term has focused on four primary modules/questions spanning a range of interrelated concepts and issues. In your group essay, imagine the syllabus for this course in 2033: what four questions should shape the course then? Support each question with trends, issues, concepts, or practices that you see emerging today and that you believe will shape the arts and culture two decades from now. While the questions you pose may be influenced by technological developments, they should also address larger issues and topics. In addition to posing four questions, describe how the learning environment for the course will be like and unlike our current learning environment. Finally imagine and describe the final project for the course. Keep in mind that the students taking the course in 2033 are currently in elementary school (most likely).

Essay is due by Monday, Nov. 25 and should be approximately 1500 words long.



* pose four questions = 4 pts
* evidence supporting questions = 5 pts
* describe learning environment = 4 pts
* describe final project = 3.5 pts
* correct spelling/grammar/editing= 2.5 pts

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