Module 2 essay prompt

Above is the Tagxedo cloud generated from your collective responses to Module 2 initial questions; if you don’t have Silverlight installed, here is a static version.

Components of assignment:

Essay = @ 1000-1200 words
Exhibit/experience = curation of 7-10 transmedia objects

Due date = Oct. 28 (by midnight); essay should be sent to me, along with link to curated examples (if online) or presentation file (also could be online)

**** For the class presentation groups can use Prezi, Powerpoint, or other  platform for exhibit/experience component (details below)****

The concept of a “full spectrum” approach to arts and cultural engagement threads through the materials and discussions (online and in-class) associated with Module 2, and stems from a cultural politics anchored in inclusivity, access, and affirmation of public good (think Bill Ivey here).

How does participation manifest within this cultural politics when it comes to arts programming efforts across for-profit, non-profit, and “unincorporated” contexts?

Responding to the above question is a two-part effort. One task is to curate a transmedia exhibit/experience of seven to ten objects or entities, and the other task is to write a short essay. The objects can represent one arts programming initiative/institution/project (i.e. 7 examples from one source), or multiple sources (i.e. 2-3 examples from 3-4 sources).

The “programming efforts” you explore can represent a mix of for-profit, non-profit, and unincorporated arts orbs, or a focus on only one of those domains. The elements in your exhibition might be images, documents, video, audio, online games, or any other type of material that is easily shared electronically (i.e. take pictures of physical items!).

The written essay supporting your exhibit/experience needs to provide your response to the prompt as well as a rationale for your choices of curated items. This text might conceptualize a definition of “participation” in relationship to a cultural politics of “full spectrum arts”, or articulate aspects of the relationships between participation, arts engagement, arts programming, or other elements of the prompt your group chooses to address. That is, your group’s response to the prompt can take many forms, though it should directly address issues at the core of the question: cultural politics and cross-spectrum programming.

Be sure to draw on writings and other resources that we have examined via class in order to contextualize and illustrate your approach. There is no set number of sources for you to reference, and since this is an essay it should demonstrate a logical argument toward a goal that represents your group’s collective thinking; it needn’t be laden with outside citations, but should address relevant ones as needed.

The presentation can be a narrated tour of your transmedia exhibit/experience, or your group can craft an exercise that engages the class in the issues or argument you are making. Be creative, and have fun with it!


I will evaluate the essays according to the following:

* transmedia exhibit/experience = 5pts
* rationale for exhibit/experience = 5 pts
* exploration of arts/culture participation and cultural politics (response to prompt) = 7.5 pts
* correct spelling/grammar/editing= 2.5pts


And here are snaps of the whiteboard from class yesterday:

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