Module 2 Essays

Below are links to the essays produced by groups B1 & B2 for Module 2. I have removed individual group member names on these copies of the documents. Please do read them and provide any discussion/comment on this post, focusing on ways in which the issues raised by the essays extend, inform, or otherwise engage with the core issues of the module and the class in general.

Group B1 Essay – Participation: The Access Factor

Group B2 Essay – Cultural Democracy & Civic Ecology

UPDATE: Both essays also appear below as syndicated posts; you can access related media files via those posts!

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  1. I love these ideas and programs. I played the flute for nearly eight years and I know how music is the universal language. Even if someone has not played an instrument before, one can understand the enormity of these acts and love the different styles each country can bring to a same song.
    Providing kids with programs such as music, or other art media, is always an awesome idea. We all need outlets in life, or something that inspires us, art and music are great ways for expression outside of the normal classroom. It is sad how today art and music programs are always the first to be dropped when schools are low on money. These programs are important for growing and learning too, besides what the government thinks is “important” curriculum. I recently met a father who goes out of his way to hire students, and teachers, who want to help him with after school programs that involve art, sciences, music, etc. It is great to see how some take the initiative to give opportunities to students who do not have all the opportunities/choices in school that they should.

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