Module 2 class capture

I have posted the class capture for yesterday’s session to Prezi; it is embedded below, but will likely run more smoothly if you actually visit it on the Prezi site (see direct link below the embedded image). If you have not used Prezi before, beware that it may take some getting used to! Even if you have used it, here are few tips for this Prezi:

1. When you enter the Prezi (whether through the embed below or directly via the link), click on the top most image to zoom in and start.

2. I did not create a linear “path” through this Prezi, though there certainly is a logical way to navigate it given how class unfolded; you’ll not ‘lose’ any meaning by navigating however you’d like, however!

3. The ‘chunks’ of info/discussion are chunked, such that if you click in any part of a block of text you should be zoomed into a screen-sized window….

4. Clicking the “play” (triangle) icon will start the embedded Prezi; clicking on the “home” (odd circle-ish icon that appears next to the navigation arrows) will zoom out to a “home” position.

So as to not leave anyone completely frustrated, the basic text of the class capture can be found in the public Evernote notebook we have been using for class prep. And if you’d like to see the entire Flickr stream (only a portion of the images show up in the Prezi), then go here.

A few videos and links are in the Prezi that do not appear in the Evernote capture; if you’d like these but are not interested in the Prezi, then please contact me directly.

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