Working toward the next term…

Welcome to the instructional site for Art and (Sustainable) Society 2010. Feel free to poke around, but we are still building this space. As a placeholder, here is the course description from the syllabus:

This course examines the arts as expressive practice that manifest through material culture in society, with specific attention to the concepts of participatory and convergence culture. We will explore the relationships of art to society and individual values using folkloristic, anthropological, sociological, philosophical and art education literature, and we will do so in a transmedia environment. Drawing on concepts derived from these literatures, we will examine the ways in which material culture functions to maintain, transmit, and dynamically engage cultural and social change. Fine, functional, popular, folk, multimedia, and environmental forms of art constitute a range of subject matter; we will specifically address the implications for arts managers that these various critical perspectives entail for work in the arts and culture sectors.

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