Week 6: Place and Power in Architecture
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine Summary In this article, Sigal Davidi explores the question of how the Jewish community in Palestine responded to the idea of the “new woman” before the creation of the state of Israel, Sigel largely traces the...
Week 6 Reading
Summaries: Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine by Sigal Davidi The article gives a brief historical context on the Architectural trend that followed the British mandated immigration from Berlin to Palestine. This is one of the key events that triggered...
W6 Reading Post
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine by Sigal Davidi In this article, the author focuses on house planning through the lens of gender, exploring the development of new household ideas from Germany to Palestine. To begin with, the author introduces the...
Wk 6: Right to the City, Morocco & Gender in Palestine
The Right to The City - By David Harvey (A review by L.A. Dilloway) What kind of people do we want to be? Promoting a better life politically, with empty promises of acting on them. Our cities have turned to urban decay as we neglect community in favor of indoor...
Week 6 Readings
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine written by Sigal Davidi Lotte Cohn, having graduated from the Technische Hochschule Berlin in architecture had a good grasp on European architecture and the modernist movement. She brought light to the need for...
Everyone’s Right to the City and its Impediment to Itself
Author: Adrian Gee SUMMARIES Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine This article examines the role of gender holds in domestic planning, particularly through the analysis of the Jewish population boom in Palestine during the 1930s. During this time, demand...
Week 6 Reading Post
Summaries Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine Immigration to Palestine came in several waves. The rise of Zionism triggered Jewish immigration, and with the population growing, housing became a rising problem. How houses were viewed in the Jewish...
Lack of Consulting in Modernism
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine This article dives into the relationship between architecture and gender in Palestine. It explains the influx of the German population in Palestine led to the transfer of European ideas from architects who were...
Wk 6 Reading Response
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine The article Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine focuses on the housing planning through the lens of gender, with the exploration of transferring ideas from Germany to modern Israel and their impact on the...
Rage Against the Machine-à-Habiter
Adam Martin Reading Summaries "Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine" by Sigal Davidi Lotte Cohn, a woman architect practicing in Tel Aviv in the '20s-'40s, thought that the modern home could be both functional and comfortable. She fought for improvements...
Week 6 Reading Response
Davidi, Sigal. 2023. “Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 82 (1): 46–62. 1928 female architect Lotte Cohn asked women if they want to make their homes more efficient Published many articles on setting...
Spaces for the people & by the people? Modernism says no.
Summary of "Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine" In this essay, Sigal Davidi discusses the discourse on home planning in Eratz Yisrael in the late 1920s and 1930s, specifically focusing on the design of kitchens as a women's issue. Davidi's main focus...
Cohn, Casablanca, and “Creative Destruction”
Summaries Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine Sigal Davidi Response of Building Companies to Housing Shortages in Mandatory Palestine 1933: 60% of new immigrants settled in Tel Aviv and required places to live; in 1935, 850 apartment buildings were...
Week 6 Reading Post
Summaries: Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine This article explores the transfer of ideas on household planning from Germany to Palestine. Mainly it looks through women’s eyes at the organization and design of modern kitchens, and how that affected...
Week 6 Readings
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine A large Emigration of Jews to mandatory Palestine during the early 20th century prompted a large urbanization of cities in Israel. This urbanization in turn created much discourse in the professional design community...
Week 6 Reading Post
Home Planning and Gender in Mandatory Palestine by Sigal Davidi Lotte Cohn became a [pioneering architect to redefine the roles of women in the household and challenge the ideas of the modernist male voice. She constantly advocated for the “new Israeli woman” where...