Week 5 Readings
Summaries The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem Culminating one's own ideas is imperative. This article deep dives into the fine line between replication and inspiration. Israel is the front man, with its various buildings seemingly crafted after Palestinian's...
Week 5 Readings
Summaries The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan This article focuses on the architectural practices that empowered the first Israeli-born generation; the generation entrusted with Israelizing Jerusalem after the 1967 War. The Sabra were the...
Week 5 Readings
Summaries: The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Nitzan-Shiftan's article gives a synopsis of architectural history and trends in the settler colonial state of Israel. How these different trends took different approaches to directly...
Toward a Critical Regionalism & The Israeli Place in East Jerusalem
Toward a Critical Regionalism “Western civilization habitually identifies itself [with others] that are a deviation, less advanced, primitive or - exotically interesting at a safe distance.” -Dutch architect Aldo Van Eyck The subtle deconstruction of traditional...
Place-Making and Modernism: Mutually Exclusive?
Author: Adrian Gee SUMMARIES: The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem This article describes the Israeli approach to architecture both before and after the 1967 war. Before the war, Israeli architecture largely followed the simplicity of design found throughout the...
“as it was” vs “as it is told.”
Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance This reading talks about rapid growth and development hindering the ability of people to design thoughtfully and meaningfully while also designing with our roots in mind. The rapid push...
Week 5 Readings
The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem: How Israeli architects appropriated the Palestinian aesthetic after the '67 war, written by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan There is a difficult balance between incorporating regional Palestinian architecture, which has been successfully...
Tangled Modernism: The complexities of global historiography
Summary of "The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem" In this essay, Alona Nitzan-Shiftan questions how Israelis were able to justify the creation of a “national home” on confiscated land. She focuses on the architectural practices of the Sabra, the Israeli-born...
Week 5 Reading Post
The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem The article, The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan covers the challenges of Architectural design in East Jerusalem. The primary issue that brought this into question was the need to identify a...
The Place, The Postcolonial, and the Resistance
Not necessarily in that order. Summaries: The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem, Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Nitzan-Shiftan seeks to show how professional discourse legitimizes Israeli settler society. Lifta serves as influence for the settling generation, towards an...
Week 5 Reading Response
Nitzan-Shiftan, Alona. 2006. “The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem.” In City of Collision Israeli built environment appropriated the Palestinian aesthetic after the 1967 War Modern yet not modern Bigger picture how colonizers appropriate culture to define their...
Week 5 Read Post
Summaries The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem: This essay examines architectural practices and the Israeli built environment in general. Initially Israeli architects built in the international style, but this didn’t leave any room for culture. To create a sense...
Week 5 Readings
The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem What makes a home identifiable? A country and a culture recognizable? These are questions the “Sabra”, the first generation of Israeli born architects wrestled with as the nation of Israel became a reality. The Jews of Diaspora...
Place-Making in Modern Architecture
Reading Summaries "The Israeli 'Place' in East Jerusalem" by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan This article assesses the interaction of global modernism, regional style, and conquest in the formation of an Israeli-specific architecture. "Gray modernism" was common in Israel in...
Critical Regionalism and Colonialism in Modernity
Author: Alex S. Summary of The Israeli ‘Place’ in East Jerusalem by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Israeli architecture after the 1967 war intended to “Israelize” Jerusalem, but often used design aspects of Palestinian vernacular architecture. There have been conflicting...
Week 5 Reading Post
The Israeli “Place” in East Jerusalem by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan Article focuses on the architectural practices of the first Israeli-born generation that Israelized Jerusalem after the 1967 war. It mentions the important question of how colonizers appropriate the...
Week 5: Towards a Critical Regionalism and Other Post Colonial Critiques
By Sam Hewitt Response 1: The Israeli “Place” in East Jerusalem Summary This article examines how Israeli architects appropriated the design elements of Palestinian architecture to define their own unique style that represented their cultural home; This is also an...