• Athfield House and Office
  • contemporary
  • Sir Ian Charles Athfield
  • 99A, 105-107A Amritsar Street; 3 Onslow Road, Khandallah, Wellingon, New Zealand
  • 1968

The Athfield house and office flows down a hillside where it serves as the home of the architect and occupant Sir Ian Charles Athfield.  It is considered an important landmark that contributes to New Zealand’s transformation from post 45 Modernism to Colonial revival in the 70’s.  It was also a unique successful social experiment in the concept of communal city living. To expand, Arfield combined recreation, living, and working spaces under one roof.  We would likely view this in modern times as nothing new but in 1965 this was quite revolutionary.  The site was originally forested by indigenous inhabitants but was then deforested by 19th-century farmers and cleared for farming.  It was later sold and bought by Athfield who saw the site as a possibility for future housing due to its views. Therefore, his goal was to build a house that the public would notice and be inspired by.

  • Adaptable/early contemporary living
  • Viewing personal housing as a form of revenue boost

Exterior of part of the complex

Arial of exterior

This is the only section that I could find


This complex is still owned and managed by the family of Athfield.  This is part of the reason why there are little to no interior images of Athfield’s home and office.


Blue and red lines are modes of paths and entry/exits

Google maps


  • https://www.nzia.co.nz/awards/national/award-detail/8619
  • https://capitalmag.co.nz/2021/11/16/the-house-that-grew/
  • https://www.heritage.org.nz/list-details/9662/Listing
  • https://wellingtoncityheritage.org.nz/buildings/301-450/380-athfield-house