basic information:

  • Oslo Opera House
  • Opera House
  • Snohetta
  • Oslo, Norway
  • 2007

short description:

As part of the city of Oslos initiative to redevelop the industrial waterfront they put out requests for proposals for a new opera and dance center.  Norwegian Architects Snohetta won the competition with their entry meeting the brief requirements of “High Architecture, monumentalism, and public space”.  The opera house appears as an industrial factory (a nod to the previous use) coming out of the mountainside as it reaches down to the waters of the fjord.


  • Snohetta was very intentional in their usage of materials, wanting every material to be appropriate for the site as well as help shape the narrative of the program.  For example choosing aluminum for an exterior metal cladding for its durability and resistance to corrosion but then working with local artists to create a pattern that would tell relevant story to the community.
  • Snohetta created interesting public spaces and viewpoints by having the roof be gently sloped and accessible.

Images and drawings:

Oslo Opera House, Aerial

Oslo Opera House, Facade

Oslo Opera House, Aerial

Oslo Opera House, Aluminum Cladding

Oslo Opera House, Roof Circulation and Viewpoints

Oslo Opera House, Plan


  • Google Maps