basic information:

  • New Gourna Village
  • Village, Housing
  • Hassan Fathy
  • Luxor, Egypt
  • 1952

short description

New Gourna Village was originally a collection of Vernacular mud brick homes and community buildings. Hassan Fathy was commissioned by the Egyptian government in 1948 to plan and build “New Gourna Village” in order forcefully re-locate approximately 7,000 local inhabits from old gourna.  Fathy, embracing the humanist tenant of modernism but believing in the aesthetics and architectural history of his country chose to embrace local building materials and technologies to build what he saw as a functional, low-cost community that respected its context and would provide a quality living for its inhabitants.


  • Rather than outright accepting or rejecting western modernism, Fathy chose to take what he saw as useful from it and form is own cultural modernism
  • Fathy leaned on wisdom of the past and included passive cooling systems such as wind catchers, courtyards and public spaces
  • Fathy lived among the gourni for a time to understand how they lived and their needs

Images and drawings:

New Gourna Village, Location

New Gourna Village, House

New Gourna Village, Plan

New Gourna Village, Mosque

New Gourna Village, Square


  • Google Maps