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I recently met with Lori Hennings, Senior Natural Resource Scientist at Metro to talk about habitat restoration for my site. I was encouraged to find that my concept for the site design is not only feasible, but, frankly, pretty cool. Connectivity Due to my site’s semi-urban location, it is mostly suitable for bird habitat (unless some charismatic […] […]
In a crowd dominated by scientists, environmental policymakers, and the like, it was interesting to be one of a small handful of architects who came to hear about what’s new in the Pacific Northwest urban ecology scene. While some topics were closely related to my thesis project (methods of oak savanna restoration, for example), for […] […]
Today I was lucky enough to be an attendee of the 9th annual Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium. It consisted of grouped 10 minute long presentations followed with a short question answer session. The morning lectures were mainly foc… […]
Eric Strauss gave a talk at Boston College entitled “Urban Ecology: A New Science for Revitalizing America’s Cities.” Among other things, he illuminates important ties between urban ecology and social equity. The quality and character of the urban landscape is how people view nature. If most people are living in cities and most young people are […] […]
At the heart of urban ecology is the idea (which is strangely new to Western civilization) that the species homo sapien is, like every other organism in the universe, part of an ecosystem. As human beings, we are fantastic competitors. We have learned to out-compete almost every other species for food, land, water, and other resources; […] […]
Reflections on Urban Ecology after reading the article “Urban Natural Areas” by Mark Griswold Wilson and Emily Roth in Restoring the Pacific Northwest. . I admit it. I don’t like cities. I never have. To me, cities were far to filled with people and far too lacking in nature. I feel claustrophobic in an environment where everything I […] […]