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Owen, David. Green Metropolis: Why Living Smaller, Living Closer, and Driving Less Are Keys to Sustainability. New York: Riverhead, 2009. Print.Ingels, Bjarke. Yes Is More: an Archicomic on Architectural Evolution. Köln: Evergreen, 2010. Print. […]

Assignment 1

I have decided to move forward with investigating the OMSI site and creating a research facility for the next generation of technology. What do I want to discover? I’d like to discover how the built environment can foster and inspire innovation. It se… […]

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging! […]

Initial Thoughts

Through the boundary between natural and constructed systems, I intend to connect the various cultures of Panama through the tension existing between modernization pressed upon settlements. How can culture and preferences be considered and preserved in an urban and rural landscape? Affordable Housing is an important issue in Panama and currently is in a state […]


This is the first conceptual effort in order to come up with an program and Site. I had some interest towards harmonizing Industrial processes and systems to natural systems in order to generate robustness in our highly-technological society. I’m not c… […]

ePortfolios at Educause Learning Initiative

Using E-Portfolios in a Web 2.0 Community to Develop Professional Skills Open-access Web 2.0 tools provide learning options that challenge university traditions. Not only is so much material is available online, the ways that people can share information is quickly evolving. As digital natives, our students expect online learning tools to be as seamless as Facebook […] […]


I learned a lot at the USC Building Information Modeling + Construction and Fabrication symposium organized by Prof. Karen Kensek and Prof. Burcin Becerik Gerber. Software representatives and AEC professionals illustrated how they used the tools in building case studies. Some highlights… STRUCTURING INFORMATION FOR USE A BIM model’s level of detail should be carefully tuned to […] […]

Denver – urban surgery in a typical American City

I’m very spoiled – I’m in the heart of Denver’s lively 16th Street pedestrian mall with a great view of the illuminated D&F tower and I am kind of disappointed. In many ways, the zone has been carefully tuned to attract people. Cars are banned in favor of a free bus that stops every block […] […]

Grand Library of Quebec

I had a nice time seeing old friends in Boston, but it really feels like vacation now that I am in Montreal. As soon as I got into the terminal, the change wasn’t only the French language. I could sense a more sophisticated design sensibility even in the grand daylit arrival hall. Nice […] […]

Honors College, Blogs for Education

I am very excited about helping the Honors College incorporate Wordpress or other tools to support incoming freshmen discussing Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains. Like my nephew and nieces, Alex Goodell was greatly inspired by Paul Farmer’s work. He has initiated an the summer reading program & dialogue via his blog post. […] […]