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End of the term scramble

To say the end of the term was extremely difficult for me would be a bit of an understatement. After presenting what I thought would be my final design, I got the more of the same critiques that I’ve been getting all term: I need to connect with the rest of the site; I need […] […]

Some Program Specifics

I want to take a moment to highlight a few particulars in my program that influence and enrich the project as a whole. Library/Resource Room The library is available not just to students, but to community members as well. It the main outreach center for community members who want to extend the habitat network of their community […] […]

Habitat Design for Fernhill Park

I recently met with Lori Hennings, Senior Natural Resource Scientist at Metro to talk about habitat restoration for my site. I was encouraged to find that my concept for the site design is not only feasible, but, frankly, pretty cool. Connectivity Due to my site’s semi-urban location, it is mostly suitable for bird habitat (unless some charismatic […] […]