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Structural Sketches

These are some sketches I did a little while back, trying to get a sense of the structure of my building. This version of my design is a little outdated by now, but I still think it was an interesting exploration. Here is a combination of structure, envelope, and landscape, which gives a sense of how […] […]


My design is something of a triptych, three variations on a theme– in language, form, material, and structure. The Prairie speaks in a language of planes, horizontal planes of grassy ecoroofs and long, heavy rammed-earth bearing walls run from the structure out into the landscape beyond. There is a Wrightian feel to the space, evocative of […] […]

how building form blends into its surrounding landscape?

here is a great example done by Toyo Ito that exhibits the possibility of integrating the ecology flows into his project form. and it shows how performance space could be utilized with natural ventilation. and the structure is self-sustained. click the… […]