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Final review!

It’s been a long road up to this point, the final review of my project. I was able to manage my time so that I accomplished everything I set out to do for my final boards– a fact that was not missed by my reviewers. My graphics received high praise from reviewers and passers-by alike, […] […]

End of the term scramble

To say the end of the term was extremely difficult for me would be a bit of an understatement. After presenting what I thought would be my final design, I got the more of the same critiques that I’ve been getting all term: I need to connect with the rest of the site; I need […] […]

Review review

In the time since leaving my previous scheme, I have been working on a design that responds better to the function and program of the project (a school), while still staying true to my thesis question (challenging the relationship between indoors and out). The “three-fingered” plan is based on the idea that a school of 400 […] […]

A Macro Study

Here is a sampling of the design I have so far. The concept for the entire site is to use it as an exhibition for the natural process of ecological succession. The most disturbed part of the site will be planted with early successionary species, while the more “natural” part of the site will be restored […] […]