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Final Thesis Document

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Final review!

It’s been a long road up to this point, the final review of my project. I was able to manage my time so that I accomplished everything I set out to do for my final boards– a fact that was not missed by my reviewers. My graphics received high praise from reviewers and passers-by alike, […] […]

Coming up to the end!

I finished putting my boards together, wanted to share. Off to the printer! […]


My design is something of a triptych, three variations on a theme– in language, form, material, and structure. The Prairie speaks in a language of planes, horizontal planes of grassy ecoroofs and long, heavy rammed-earth bearing walls run from the structure out into the landscape beyond. There is a Wrightian feel to the space, evocative of […] […]

Project Summary

I put together this cut sheet as a quick and informative explanation of my thesis project thus far to accompany my portfolio. […]

End of the term scramble

To say the end of the term was extremely difficult for me would be a bit of an understatement. After presenting what I thought would be my final design, I got the more of the same critiques that I’ve been getting all term: I need to connect with the rest of the site; I need […] […]

A mantra, of sorts

After Wednesday’s pin-up, and in the wake of my recent divorce, I’ve found it necessary to refocus my design efforts before I move on. So: I am designing a school for environment as integrated context for learning (EIC). With the building form and site design, I aim to reexamine the relationship between in- and outdoors. More simply, […] […]

Looking Forward

This storyboard shows the direction my project will take when I begin designing, and highlights the major concepts I want to address throughout the design process. click to view storyboard Throughout this process, my thesis document will be kept close at hand to push the design to stimulate learning and provide for the needs of students and […] […]

Thesis Document Final Draft!

Sorry, this is not in .pdf form; I had a hell of a time trying to get the pdf to upload, with no success. I don’t like Google Doc’s pdf viewer (I think it displays graphics poorly), but you can download the original pdf from there. So! This is the final draft with everything in it. […] […]

Thesis Document Draft

Here is a nearly-complete draft of my thesis document. A few pages still need text (such as the “natural conditions” page) and the “spacial relationships” page needs a finalized diagram. Additionally, title pages and transition pages are not yet included. Criticism I’m looking for: content, layout, readability, spelling. Also! I need a name for this project! Suggestions […] […]