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Babe, we need to talk.

. We need a divorce. A little one. We committed too soon. We were young. Well, at any rate, you were. You weren’t ready to provide me with what I need in a design. It isn’t good enough that you have a beautiful massing and interesting exterior spaces. I need a design that can pull its weight. […] […]

Taking Shape

I have been trying to dive into my program, as I hoped to do after my review two weeks ago (really? two weeks already?), but each time I try to zoom in, I have another question that requires me to zoom out. I suppose that is really all part of the design process– working at […] […]

A Macro Study

Here is a sampling of the design I have so far. The concept for the entire site is to use it as an exhibition for the natural process of ecological succession. The most disturbed part of the site will be planted with early successionary species, while the more “natural” part of the site will be restored […] […]

A Micro Study

A good design manifests itself at all different scales, from the urban or landscape scale to the smallest details. So when I jumped from designing on my 1″=100′ base map to working with a particular material to be used in the final design, I felt it was important to bring with me the same considerations […] […]

Study Models and other novelties to my design process

These first few weeks of design have been very interesting in terms of my evolving design process (and it is always evolving, isn’t it?) Typically, I do not use models to design. I am an incredibly slow model builder, to the point that by the time I get something built, my mind has already moved on […] […]

Jumping back in

After taking three weeks away from this project over the winter holidays, it’s time to jump back in– this time into the design side. It has been a bit of a struggle to switch my thinking from research to design. During the last term, research was almost this “safe zone” where I simply explored various relevant– […] […]

Looking Forward

This storyboard shows the direction my project will take when I begin designing, and highlights the major concepts I want to address throughout the design process. click to view storyboard Throughout this process, my thesis document will be kept close at hand to push the design to stimulate learning and provide for the needs of students and […] […]