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Here is a nearly-complete draft of my thesis document. A few pages still need text (such as the “natural conditions” page) and the “spacial relationships” page needs a finalized diagram. Additionally, title pages and transition pages are not yet included. Criticism I’m looking for: content, layout, readability, spelling. Also! I need a name for this project! Suggestions […] […]
To reflect and review, here is a mid-term look at where this project is going. [click to view poster] […]
Sketches made during a recent visit to the site, for your viewing pleasure. […]
Continuing my analysis of the site, some maps I’ve generated: Quasi-cognitive map of the site, based on my perceptions of the space and its uses. Kevin Lynch-style analysis of the site Ian McHarg-style binary mapping of site qualities. […]
To give you a feel for the visual quality and personal character of my site, I’ve put together a video of footage taken during my first site visit. Though I am the primary person in the videos, I assure you there were lots of others there having fun too. . Fernhill Park Video [Click to view video] . I […] […]
Drum roll please (or an eye roll will do)… Fernhill Park, Portland, Oregon http://www.panoramio.com/photo/13556521 Located in NE Portland, this park hosts a combination of disturbed land, open lawn, recreational hardscape, and mature trees. As the former site of the condemned Whitaker Middle School building, this park is located in a neighborhood that is sorely missing a middle school […] […]
I’ve picked a site. I worked on this site before during summer studio for a short two-week sketch project and its been on my mind ever since. My new goal is to be more succinct so here’s a map: And here’s a panorama from some images I took this summer the first time I […] […]
As I search for a site, I feel the need to elaborate on my program in a more concrete way than I have done so far. My design goals are these: Create a school that focuses on environmental/experiential education– that is, teaching children while creating an intimate connection with nature Create an environment that enhances […] […]
First and foremost, I want to consider the particulars of building in the places that I call home, namely, Reno and Yerington, NV. Both sites are in the deserts of northern Nevada, hence a portion of my primary inquiry will be on building in the desert. What strategies can I glean from desert flora and […] […]